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Ad Tech Contextual Targeting Market Overview
Ad Tech Contextual Targeting Market Overview Social Media

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随着Chrome从第三方cookie的过渡势头的增强, Eyeota的Trent Lloyd将探讨品牌如何在一个没有饼干的世界中取得成功

随着Chrome从第三方cookie的过渡势头的增强, 广告商和出版商都在积极寻求可持续和有效的方法来加强他们的数据驱动战略. Already, we see that success stories are emerging.  

Contrary to industry doomsday prophecies, 第三方cookie的消亡不会导致数据驱动广告的消亡. Quite the opposite, in fact. 拥抱无cookie生态系统的品牌正在寻找能够推动活动结果的方法和工具,这些方法和工具远远超出了他们在以cookie为中心的数字生态系统中的预期.  


Guiding principles for cookieless success 

For the most part, 在现代无cookie营销领域取得最大成功的品牌和代理商正在接受以下概念: 

1. Enrichment of first-party data with third-party data grows

While the era of third-party cookies draws to a close, 第三方数据保留了其作为成功广告活动基石的重要地位. 与在应对数据政策动荡方面经验丰富的知名合作伙伴合作, such as GDPR, is essential for maintaining efficacy in a cookieless environment. Moreover, 明智地使用第一方和高质量的第三方数据为营销人员提供了一个广泛的消费者行为视角, 使他们能够优化活动并精确地提供个性化内容. 

2. New identifiers rise

Universal IDs represent a transformative tool in the marketer’s arsenal, 提供一种手段来克服不断发展的隐私法规和传统跟踪方法的有效性下降所带来的挑战. 通过采用通用id以及诸如移动id之类的一系列标识符, IP address IDs, hashed emails, and contextual signals, 企业可以迎来精准定位和无缝个性化的新时代.  

3. ID-agnostic approaches will reign

在数字生态系统中,没有单一的标识符可以直接替代第三方cookie. 对于广告商和出版商来说,最有效的方法是采用一种id无关策略,包括移动标识符, hashed email addresses, IP addresses, contextual signals and more. 这包括与技术和数据合作伙伴合作,促进生态系统中可用标识符之间的互操作性, rather than constraining them. 

4. Multichannel marketing wins

数字接触点的激增加剧了消费者和B2B旅程的复杂性, 包括社交渠道和无cookie环境,如联网电视和数字户外. 这意味着对于营销人员来说,利用高质量的第三方数据进行有效的跨渠道定位变得更加重要.  

Cookieless strategies in action 

So, what solutions hold the greatest promise in a cookieless world? 当一个强大的无cookie定位策略结合在一起时,它会是什么样子? 以下是最近几个数据驱动的活动的例子,它们实现了品牌目标——都没有使用第三方cookie. 

1. Third-party data delivers social campaign boost 

An automaker wanted to reach Facebook users intending to purchase SUVs. The brand had used Facebook’s native user targeting solution, but it was having trouble finding in-market consumers. To overcome this challenge, Eyeota与该品牌的代理商合作,创建了一个将第一方数据与Eyeota受众相结合的定制档案. The agency ran video campaigns to test the new targeting strategy. The enriched audience profile, powered by the brand’s first-party data and Eyeota audience data, was the clear winner of the head-to-head campaign test: 

  • The campaign using Eyeota’s custom segment saw a 33% view rate, 而使用Facebook原生定位解决方案的广告则有20-25%的浏览率
  • 利用Eyeota细分市场的广告活动CPC仅为75美分, 55% lower than the average CPC for the native Facebook campaign ($1.75).  
  • In addition, the campaigns powered by the Eyeota segment saw a 4% CTR, 而使用Facebook原生定位的广告活动的平均点击率低于1.5% 

As brands look for new ways to use data to reach their target audience, 这个成功的故事强调,在一个安全的平台环境中,通过合格的第三方受众丰富第一方数据,可以创造更多机会,在一个没有cookie的世界中与潜在客户建立联系.  

2. AI-powered contextual signals improve video campaign performance 

IBM recently worked with its agency, Eightbar, to drive improved video campaign performance. Together, they ran a competitive evaluation testing three targeting tactics, holding all other parameters constant, 并根据每次参与访问的成本来衡量每种目标策略的视频广告效果. Of the three tactics, the B2B Predictive Audiences, powered by Proximic by Comscore and Eyeota, 产生了明显低于客户基准的每次参与访问成本, 46% lower compared to competitive behavioural audiences, and 23% lower compared to competitive contextual segments. As a cookieless solution, B2B预测受众使媒体购买者能够通过人工智能驱动的上下文信号接触到他们想要的受众.  

今天的广告商和出版商必须调整他们的战略和战术,以适应后饼干时代的世界. While a plethora of solutions are emerging to navigate this new reality, 成功的最重要组成部分仍然是获得全面和高质量的第三方数据和见解. 品牌和代理商拥抱无cookie的未来,并通过强大的数据和合作伙伴关系来推动他们的战略,将成为现代数字营销领域的新领导者. 

如果你想确保你的数据驱动营销策略准备好迎接2024年的挑战和机遇, Eyeota is here to help. Connect with Eyeota’s Data Desk team today!

By Trent Lloyd, Head of APAC


Eyeota is here to help you make sense of data. At Eyeota, 我们的数据科学家和受众专家团队与我们的合作伙伴一起帮助他们评估他们的数据资产和业务目标, whether it be for digital advertising, insights on your audience, research enhancement, bringing offline data online, distribution of your data in a controlled manner...the list of possibilities goes on and on. And those endless possibilities make data so exciting.

Posted on: Friday 19 April 2024